Jenkins가 오래된 버전이라, 시스템 전체에서 변경하는 방법만 존재하는 듯.

Since Jenkins is an old version, it seems like there is only a way to change it system-wide.


Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> .Xvnc Command line: /usr/bin/vncserver :$DISPLAY_NUMBER -geometry 1920x1080

Job 수행 후 Console Output에서 vncserver 검색해서 지정한 해상도로 수행되는지 확인.

After executing the target job, search for 'vncserver' in the Console Output and check whether it is executed at the specified resolution.


Posted by zennken
  • Windows: fsutil file createnew 4294967296
  • Linux: fallocate -l 4G ./4g.img
Posted by zennken

java -jar checkstyle-10.8.1-all.jar -c dbeaver-checkstyle-config.xml ${your_java_code_file_list}
Starting audit...
Audit done.

Posted by zennken

