Trail: The Reflection API: Table of Contents
Summary: Loading class, Instantiate an object, Invoking method
// Loading class
URLClassLoader urlClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[], file.toURL());
Class sClass = urlClassLoader.loadClass("ClassName");
// Instantiate an object
SpecificObjectType obj = sClass.newInstance();
// Invoking method
//do something: return type of "MethodName" is String in this example
Method method = sClass.getMethod("MethodName", args types ...);
result = (String) method.invoke(obj, args...);
Summary: Loading class, Instantiate an object, Invoking method
// Loading class
URLClassLoader urlClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[], file.toURL());
Class sClass = urlClassLoader.loadClass("ClassName");
// Instantiate an object
SpecificObjectType obj = sClass.newInstance();
// Invoking method
//do something: return type of "MethodName" is String in this example
Method method = sClass.getMethod("MethodName", args types ...);
result = (String) method.invoke(obj, args...);